When A Driver Who Causes Your Injuries Is Uninsured
Since New York is a no-fault insurance state, you may first need to file a claim for compensation from your own insurance carriers after an accident. However, if your injuries and losses are worth more than $50,000 and if the other driver was seriously negligent, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit on top of your no-fault insurance benefits. You may discover, however, that the other driver did not have insurance or did not have enough to compensate you adequately for your losses.
Fortunately, you may have another legal remedy after a car accident involving an uninsured or underinsured driver: a claim against your insurance company’s uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. But beware: You cannot expect your insurer to be forthright about all benefits that you qualify for. An experienced New York auto accident attorney on your side can help you recover maximum compensation. Brian J. Levy & Associates, P.C., from law offices in the Bronx and on Long Island (Syosset), has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of injured clients.
When You Hire Brian, You Get Brian
Many personal injury law firms operate like production lines: Clients may meet a senior attorney at the initial consultation, but then most work is handled by paralegals, junior assistants or “of counsel” associates.
At our firm, we treat clients with integrity in a more personalized way. Lawyer Brian J. Levy will personally work on your case from beginning to end. Applying his 15 years of experience to your case, he will uncover all sources of compensation that are available to you – possibly including your insurance policy’s UM/UIM coverage.
Contact An Experienced Auto Accident Attorney
Initial consultations are free, and Mr. Brian J. Levy will represent you on a contingency basis if you hire our firm. This means that you will not own attorney fees until your settlement or verdict is paid out. To schedule an appointment about your uninsured car accident, To set up a free case consultation, call our Syosset office at 516-496-1777 or our Bronx office at 718-423-0757 or send an email inquiry for a prompt response.