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Bronx River pileup injures 8 people

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2020 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Many questions still remain regarding an accident involving multiple vehicles that occurred on the Bronx River Parkway a few days ago. The cause of the crash is still unclear. Authorities have as yet been unable to determine if weather played a part despite the fact that it happened after a period of prolonged snowfall. It was not initially clear how many vehicles the accident involved, although one estimate suggests that it may have been as many as 15.

However, it is clear that the crash resulted in multiple injuries. Of the eight people hurt in the collision, seven required hospitalization, one in life-threatening condition. The fire department reports that the eighth person refused medical treatment for minor injuries at the scene. It is unclear whether the hospital has since discharged any of those initially hospitalized or what their current condition may be.

Authorities closed down lanes of traffic in both directions on the Bronx River Parkway for some time. They advised motorists of residual delays that could occur upon reopening the lanes to traffic approximately four hours later. The accident occurred in the southbound lanes of traffic in the vicinity of East 233rd Street and East Gunhill Road early in the afternoon on Saturday.

A multi-vehicle accident in New Jersey is frightening because of the extensive damage that can occur, not only to property but to people as well. Injuries that result from a car accident could have effects that linger for years or even decades. For this reason, it may be helpful for those affected to seek the advice of an attorney regarding legal options.
