If you encounter an aggressive motorist on a New York road or highway, it is important to stay calm. Instead of engaging this person, make an effort to keep your distance from this individual while you call the police. Ideally, you will remain in your vehicle until...
Comprehensive Legal Guidance, Across New York
A lack of restraint in ride-share accidents hurts your claim
Using a ride-hailing service can be quick and convenient. Saving that extra time can really relax you, to the point that you may even take a break from strapping in while you’re in the back. But studies show that you’re probably going to pay a higher price if you’re...
Is technology a leading cause in distracted driving?
Whenever residents of New York hit the road, you undoubtedly spend some amount of time around other drivers. This means the chances of coming into contact with dangerous driving behaviors are relatively high, especially if you travel along highways or other busy...
Ridesharing services: accident prevention or accident cause?
Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have revolutionized the transportation industry. One of the most frequently touted benefits of the ridesharing revolution is that it saves lives by providing a safe, affordable and easy way to take drunk drivers off the road. ...
Signs of an inebriated rideshare driver
After a big night out, choosing to use the services of a rideshare company can be a safer option than risking getting behind the wheel or taking unsafe public transportation in New York. However, some passengers tend to let their guards down when using a rideshare...