Everyone knows that our state has unpredictable weather. It is just a fact of life. Indeed, New Yorkers have already endured freezing temperatures this month. However, what many of us may forget is that sometimes, we end up driving in these wintery conditions. And, as a result, we should have some winter emergency kits ready to go.
Auto accident preparedness
First, we should already have some auto accident preparedness kits ready to go in our cars. This includes having all relevant information written down, like our insurance information, both car and health, road side assistance numbers and emergency numbers for our family. We should also have dashboard cameras already installed, preferably with a 360-degree view, time stamps, automatic recording and internal storage. For immediately after serious car accidents, have a fire extinguisher in the trunk, in addition to a first aid kit. First aid kits can be purchased commercially though, be sure they have the basics, like hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers, instant cold compress, aspirin, a blanket, nonlatex gloves, scissors, gauze, tape, bandages and antibiotic ointment.
Single auto accidents
While our general readiness items will help us when we are in an auto accident, we need to think about times where we would be stranded. First, prepare for a blown tire. This includes having a spare tire kit that includes a tire, jack and wheel wrench. If a spare tire is not an option, get a flat tire and patch kit. Keep jumper cables and a jumpstart battery handy. This can charge phones, usually, has a built-in flash light and can jumpstart our cars, should we become stranded. Do not forget the multipurpose utility tool, a flashlight (with extra batteries), and items for road visibility. This includes road cones or reflective triangles, a reflective vest and flairs.
Winter preparedness
We all know that New York can get heavy snow, and this may trap us in our cars for extended periods of times. As such, do not forget to pack winter clothes, blankets, snow shovels and brushes, ice scrapers and nonperishable food. These include protein bars, energy bars, drinking water, unsalted nuts, hard candy, dried fruits, etc. A bag of cat litter or sand for traction could also come in handy. As Bronx residents, we know the importance of preparedness, and we should bring that to our cars as well.